Climate-positive gin developed from peas

Climate-positive gin developed from peas – simarik, iStock

The Arbikie distillery spent five years developing Nàdar Gin with the help of Abertay University and the James Hutton Institute in Scotland. The fresh and fruity gin is made from peas and flavored with lemongrass and citrus leaves, among other things.

In Gaelic, Nàdar means “nature”. Each bottle of Nàdar has a carbon footprint of -1.54 kg CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent), i.e. it avoids more carbon dioxide emissions than it produces. This is mainly achieved by using all the useful components of the peas from the hulling and distillation process to produce animal feed.

The gin also takes advantage of the plant’s natural ability to extract nitrogen from the atmosphere for growth, eliminating the need for synthetic fertilizers. The distilling process produces a waste product from the pea protein and spent yeast that can be used as nutritious animal feed.

Anke Haberstroh, Market Intelligence Expert
