Trend topic

Equipment-as-a-Service (EaaS): A Groundbreaking Business Model

EaaS is increasingly developing into a forward-looking business model in the capital goods market that offers both companies and customers significant benefits. Digitalization and the focus on sustainability are driving this development.

Swappable Batteries

The market share of electric cars in Germany and the EU has declined, which in Germany is mainly due to the discontinuation of purchase premiums and the high purchase costs of electric vehicles.

Green hydrogen faces a water problem

Around nine liters of water are needed to produce one kilogram of green hydrogen, and as much as 12 to 19 liters for one kilogram of blue hydrogen.

What does sustainability mean in battery production?

Die zunehmende Nachfrage nach Batterien, insbesondere für Elektrofahrzeuge und erneuerbare Energiesysteme, hat zu einem steigenden Bedarf an kritischen Metallen wie Lithium, Kobalt, Nickel und Mangan geführt.

Elastocaloric Heating and Cooling

Elastokalorische Systeme stellen einen Fortschritt in der Wärme- und Kältetechnik dar. Anstelle von Kühlmitteln verwenden sie Formgedächtnismaterialien, die sich durch mechanische Verformung erwärmen oder abkühlen.

Sustainable energy storage systems could replace lithium-ion batteries

Large-scale storage systems can shift the availability of electricity from times of electricity surplus to times of electricity shortage and avoid curtailment, especially of wind farms.

Eco-designing a sustainable future for healthcare

Looking to the future, it is vital for the industry to prioritize eco-design, drive innovation and meet regulatory requirements while leading the way in sustainable practices.

Online Databases – Developments in recent years

SVP keeps a close eye on how providers' characteristics change over time. What about their data quality, data scope, innovations, customer support and, last but not least, pricing?

AI and sustainability in the manufacturing industry

The integration of AI into the manufacturing industry promotes sustainability through real-time data analysis, predictive maintenance and intelligent control systems. These technologies help to conserve resources, reduce emissions and increase efficiency.

AI is making the energy future sustainable

AI in the energy sector is being driven primarily by the increasing global demand for energy. AI has the ability to automate and optimize a range of energy-related processes.