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Die zunehmende Nachfrage nach Batterien, insbesondere für Elektrofahrzeuge und erneuerbare Energiesysteme, hat zu einem steigenden Bedarf an kritischen Metallen wie Lithium, Kobalt, Nickel und Mangan geführt.
Over the past few months, we have taken you on an informative journey through the chemical industry. It has become obvious that there is no alternative to the transformation of the chemical industry towards climate neutrality.
Series of articles on the sustainable transformation of the chemical industry with six main topics. This time the focus is on renewable energy.
The electrification of processes and technologies plays a crucial role in the transformation of the chemical industry toward a climate-neutral orientation. The German chemical industry will require huge amounts of additional electricity.
CCUS is a process for capturing CO₂ and transporting it to a facility where it is either used for other purposes or stored in geological formations.
To save resources, there is no alternative to the circular economy. And the chemical industry has a key role to play here.
The chemical industry in Germany is currently experiencing its worst crisis since the global economic crisis in 2009. In 2022, chemical production fell by around 12% compared to the previous year. This means it will slump more than during the global economic crisis.
As an energy-intensive sector, the chemical industry accounts for around 10.5 percent of German energy consumption. The proportion is even higher for natural gas and electricity, the industry's two most important energy sources.
The chemical industry is in the midst of a revolutionary transformation process in which the circular economy, recycling, sustainability and biorefineries are elementary building blocks for the goal of climate neutrality.
An adhesive that simply cheats its way between a carbon-hydrogen bond and thus chemically holds polymers together permanently that are otherwise difficult or impossible to bond.
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