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Generative AI in Market & Competitive Intelligence

Everyone is talking about generative AI and the business and trade press is full of articles about possible use cases, potential savings and the impact on the world of work.

AI is making the energy future sustainable, but its energy demand is enormous

AI in the energy sector is being driven primarily by the increasing global demand for energy. AI has the ability to automate and optimize a range of energy-related processes.

Business and market intelligence tools under scrutiny – Part 2

Business Intelligence and Market & Competitive Intelligence may sound similar, but they are two different approaches in the company to obtain important information and make decisions.

A Real Estate Concept in Building Design on Computer Tablet Blueprint for Engineering Construction Project Design Plan Blueprint Building Structure Development Construction Site Generative AI

Revolution in the construction industry through artificial intelligence?

Ongoing research projects aim to speed up processes, increase efficiency and potentially reduce the physical demands on workers.

CIMI.CON Evolution

Our cooperation partner from Sweden, Comintelli AG, will also be at our stand, so that it can also be a good opportunity to discuss the specific options offered by the i2d knowledge platform.

Open Innovation – SVP as part of your innovation network

In the traditional understanding, innovation management meant that innovations are developed exclusively internally within an organization.

Transformation of the chemical industry toward climate neutrality

Over the past few months, we have taken you on an informative journey through the chemical industry. It has become obvious that there is no alternative to the transformation of the chemical industry towards climate neutrality.

Renewable Energy Power Supply – Navigating a Path Fraught with Challenges

Despite the unparalleled growth of renewable energies, the energy sector continues to be dominated by fossil fuels.

Renewable energies – preconditions for the transition to climate neutrality in the chemical industry

Series of articles on the sustainable transformation of the chemical industry with six main topics. This time the focus is on renewable energy.

Sustainability in the MedTech World

Sustainability is a mindset that integrates eco-design principles to create products with a smaller environmental footprint and ultimately ensure a healthier planet for life on Earth. To achieve true sustainability, all stakeholders must play their part.

New processes and technologies

The electrification of processes and technologies plays a crucial role in the transformation of the chemical industry toward a climate-neutral orientation. The German chemical industry will require huge amounts of additional electricity. The current demand of around 53 TWh will multiply to 685 TWh.

Carbon Capture – Approaches in the Concrete Industry

Carbon capture is crucial for a climate-neutral future. Cement production alone accounts for about 5 % of global CO2 emissions. Efforts to improve energy efficiency of cement production and regulation of carbon emissions can also incentivise the industry to reduce CO2 emissions.

CCUS – Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage

CCUS is a process for capturing CO₂ and transporting it to a facility where it is either used for other purposes or stored in geological formations. The main goal of CCUS is to prevent the emission of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere while making biogenic CO₂ a valuable, environmentally friendly resource.

Circular economy in the health sector

The healthcare sector is responsible for a significant share of the German raw material balance. However, the linear economic model or the "throwaway economy" has become firmly established in the healthcare sector – well visible in the ubiquity of single-use products.

Circular economy

To save resources, there is no alternative to the circular economy. The circular economy requires products that are durable and easily recyclable. And this is where the chemical industry has a decisive key role to play.

Impact of hydrogen development on mechanical engineering

Climate neutrality, sustainability and the energy transition – the issues of our time – are driving hydrogen strategies and investments by governments and companies worldwide.

Hydrogen economy

The use of green hydrogen as a raw material helps to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and make the production of chemical products more sustainable. Overall, green hydrogen will help make the chemical industry in Germany more climate-friendly.

KPI Dashboard – Whitepaper

Keeping a constant eye on key performance indicators (KPI) is crucial for every business to succeed. Whatever indicators need to be monitored, from macroeconomic data to industry-specific metrics, a dashboard can help you keep track of the KPIs that are most important for your company.

Bio-based raw materials, biogas and biorefineries

The chemical industry in Germany is currently experiencing the worst crisis since the global economic crisis in 2009. In 2022, chemical production fell by about 12 percent compared to the previous year. This is a greater decline than during the global economic crisis. A further production decline of 8 percent is expected in 2023.

Geothermal energy: green district heating

Germany has set itself the goal of achieving climate neutrality in the heating sector by 2045. A large proportion of energy is used for heating, almost 70 percent of which is fossil fuels. Natural gas in particular. Since the war in Ukraine, Germany wants to get by without Russian natural gas as quickly as possible.

Sustainability – Key to unlock future growth

Sustainability and market intelligence are crucial to understanding and analysing the current and future state of a market. Incorporating sustainability into market intelligence can help businesses to identify opportunities and risks related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

Sustainability or the long way to green chemistry

To achieve objectives of greenchemistry, first steps are taken in the direction of achieving circular chemistry. At the moment efforts are concentrating on reducing the share of non-renewable raw materials. These efforts are directed to enhance the reuse in entire value chain thereby optimizing resource efficiency.

One of the biggest challenges in implementing sustainable construction

The construction industry consumes resources in a way that is not sustainable, using large quantities at a high rate. According to the World Green Building Council it generates an estimated 39 percent of global carbon emissions.

In the automotive industry, we need more focus on the circular economy

If you follow the press releases and annual and sustainability reports of leading German automakers and suppliers, you might think that the automotive industry in this country is one of the pioneers when it comes to sustainability.

Sustainability in the packaging industry

Sustainability is one of the biggest challenges and one of the biggest opportunities for the packaging industry. Packaging has become an important commodity as all industries actively work to reduce their environmental impact. Driven also by consumer demand, sustainability in the packaging industry means using fewer raw materials, resulting in less waste, and encouraging full recycling.

Need to reduce the environmental impact of the medical device industry

The healthcare sector is a large contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, both directly and indirectly through purchased goods and services. Environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO) modelling has shown that healthcare sector emissions contribute between 4 percent and 10 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions in the USA, Canada, and Australia.

Sustainability targets: How the biotechnology industry is going forward

The biotechnology industry is particularly focused on improving the quality of life and creating value for society. The industry’s breakthrough innovations are the foundation for global health and prosperity. The life sciences industry, including biotechnology, is highly regulated, and companies are under intense pressure to incorporate sustainability initiatives into their corporate DNA.

Sustainable power supply – Airborne wind energy

Airborne wind energy systems can generate more electricity than conventional wind power plants with lower environmental impact. Before conventional wind turbines generate green electricity, they first release a lot of CO2. Cement and steel make up by far the largest portion of a wind power plant. Up to an incredible 80 tons of steel are […]

Our creative minds in the field of Sustainability

Sustainability has emerged as important theme in our recent projects. We at SVP believe that for future, businesses need to formulate their strategies based on sustainability commitments of the company and how deeply it is integrated in fundamental business model.

Does chemistry have to reinvent itself in the energy crisis?

The German chemical industry faced a number of challenges in the first half of 2022: High freight costs, long delivery times and bottlenecks in raw materials affected the business activities of chemical companies in Germany. However, the currently soaring prices for raw materials and energy – especially for natural gas – and a looming gas shortage present the chemical industry with completely new and unexpected challenges.

Energy supply and price development – influences and effects

The „German Angst“ is sweeping Germany and Europe. German consumers in particular are rushing into electricity-based heating devices such as infrared heaters, radiators and wood-burning stoves as if there were no tomorrow.

Automobile manufacturers vs. suppliers – passing on the price increase causes conflicts

The general conditions for the automotive industry have deteriorated further since the beginning of the year. The industry continues to be affected by problems along the value chain with raw materials and intermediate products.

Inflation surged, reaching multi-decade highs in mining and metal industry

Supply chains are under extreme pressure due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, booming post-pandemic demand, boosted economies, persistent COVID logistics restrictions, and repeated price records for metals and mining commodities. Numerous restrictions imposed because of geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine are further driving inflation.

Renewable energies for heating and cooling

The gas supply situation is becoming increasingly serious: With heating accounting for nearly 40 percent of total gas consumption in the EU, renewable alternatives must be found quickly. Until now, heating has been largely neglected in EU renewable energy legislation because coal, oil and gas were cheaper in most cases. This is over now. With […]

The key threats to the global pharma industry

The main problem with generics is that the production of preliminary products and end products is increasingly being pooled worldwide.

Rising energy prices – a double-edged sword for the construction industry

Rising energy costs, as in other industries, are making more apparent in the construction industry mainly due to increasing transport costs, but also directly due to rising fuel costs for construction machinery. In addition, indirect increase in material prices, especially affected steel and petroleum products. According to the Federal Statistical Office, the Producer Price Index […]

China hat im Bereich 5G die Nase vorn

Die extrem leistungsfähige Mobilfunktechnologie 5G verfolgt die historische Mission, die digitale Transformation der Industrien – IoT, autonomes Fahren & Co. – effektiv voranzutreiben. China übernimmt aktuell die Führung bei der Anzahl der 5G-Basisstationen – knapp 1,6 Mio. – und der 5G-Verbindungen. Das Reich der Mitte verfügt über die weltweit größten mobilen Breitband- und Glasfasernetze. Die […]

Offshore Carbon-Capture- und Storage

Experten rechnen mit steigenden Temperaturen. Nach Einschätzung der Vereinten Nationen ist das Risiko einer zumindest zeitweisen Erderwärmung um 1,5 Grad über dem vorindustriellen Niveau in den nächsten fünf Jahren auf 50 Prozent gestiegen. Laut eines Klimaberichts der Weltorganisation für Meteorologie (WMO) lag die Wahrscheinlichkeit für eine solche Entwicklung 2015 noch nahe null. Um diesen Trend […]

Ein wenig wie bei Raumschiff Enterprise

Stellen Sie sich vor, dreidimensionale Objekte müssten im 3D-Druck nicht mehr Schicht für Schicht aufgebaut werden, sondern würden vielmehr wie aus dem Nichts langsam als Ganzes entstehen. Das erinnert ein wenig an das Beamen damals von Objekten auf der Enterprise. Nun, ganz so ist es natürlich nicht, aber es geht schon ein wenig in diese […]

Erdölzeitalter ade: Gehört den Bioraffinerien die Zukunft?

Die aktuellen Krisen zeigen es uns sehr deutlich – in vielen Dingen müssen wir viel schneller umdenken als gedacht. Kurzfristig können wir auf fossile Rohstoffe noch nicht vollständig verzichten, vor allem was die Energiebereitstellung z. B. für die Produktionsanlagen in der Chemie angeht. Auch in der stofflichen Umsetzung der fossilen Rohstoffe wird der Kohlenstoff als […]

Über die frühzeitige Diagnose, Biodrucker-Proteine und elektrische Felder

Mit einer Häufigkeit von ca. 10 Fällen pro 100.000 Einwohner ist das duktale Pankreaskarzinom der häufigste bösartige Tumor der Bauchspeicheldrüse. Dieser Tumor stellt die vierthäufigste Krebstodesursache in der westlichen Welt dar und wird oft erst sehr spät entdeckt. Männer sind etwa 3-mal häufiger betroffen als Frauen. Die Fünfjahresüberlebensrate liegt bei nur 5-10%, weil das Pankreaskarzinom […]

Pioniere des wasserstoffangetriebenen Fliegens

Das in Stuttgart ansässige Startup H2FLY, das Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellensysteme für Flugzeuge entwickelt, und der neue Flugzeughersteller Deutsche Aircraft wollen bis 2025 das erste elektrische Wasserstoff-Regionalflugzeug der Welt bauen. Es soll 40 Passagieren Platz bieten und eine Reichweite von 2.000 km haben. Am 12. April 2022 ging der erste viersitzige Prototyp des wasserstoffbetriebenen Elektroflugzeugs an den Start […]

Hybrider Workshop SVP & #038; Comintelli am 10. Mai 2022

Welche Funktionen und Möglichkeiten sollte die ideale Plattform für Market- und Competitive Intelligence bieten? Hier können Sie sich zum Workshop am 10.05.2022 | 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr anmelden. Am 17. Mai 2022 möchten wir für alle, die nicht am Workshop am 10.05.2022 teilnehmen können, ein Webinar (16 – 17 Uhr) zum gleichen Thema anbieten und die Ergebnisse […]

Produktion von Kabelbäumen in der Ukraine

Nach den Herausforderungen durch die Corona-Pandemie sind die Lieferketten der Automobilindustrie durch die Kriegshandlungen Russlands erneut an vielen Stellen erheblich gestört. Sanktionen, fehlende Rohstoffe und eingeschränkte Transportmöglichkeiten führen aktuell zu weiteren Engpässen. Besonders betroffen vom Krieg in der Ukraine ist die Herstellung von Kabelbäumen. Bei den Kabelbäumen handelt es sich um ein komplexes und teils […]

Markt für Elektrolyseure – das globale Wettrennen beginnt

Die International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) prognostiziert in ihrem „World Energy Transition Outlook 2022“, dass die Kosten für Elektrolyseure bis 2030 ähnlich schnell sinken werden, wie dies bei Sonnenkollektoren und Windturbinen der Fall war. Zwischen 2010 und 2019 sind die Kosten für Solarmodule um 82 % gesunken und die Onshore-Windkosten um 39 %. Ein Schlüsselfaktor […]

Digitaler Nachholbedarf im deutschen Gesundheitswesen

Dass Deutschland im europäischen oder internationalen Vergleich eher zu den Schlusslichtern in der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens gehört, ist Fakt. In einer Selbsteinschätzung im Rahmen des „DigitalRadars“ gaben nun 1.616 Krankenhäuser ihren digitalen Reifegrad in einem breiten Feld zwischen 3,27 und 63,87 von 100 möglichen Punkten an. Der Durchschnittswert aller beteiligten Krankenhäuser lag bei 33,25 Punkten. […]

Künstliche Nervenfasern

Biegsame und dehnbare Elektronik findet man heutzutage immer öfter, z. B. in künstlicher Haut oder Robotern aus stark flexiblen Materialien (soft robotics), da diese Nachgiebigkeit den biologischen Systemen sehr ähnlich ist. So biegsam diese Strukturen sind, so anfällig sind sie für mechanische Beschädigungen wie Kratzer oder Risse. Das ist oftmals auch der Hauptgrund für entsprechende […]

Intel fulfilling Europe’s hunger for semiconductor chips

Semiconductor chip shortage has been a prominent issue disrupting the European supply chain. Through the Chips Act the European Union is looking for solutions to strengthen Europe’s technological leadership along with responsible sourcing. The efforts are being directed towards reducing the EU’s over-reliance on a single region for semiconductor chip supply. On March 15, 2022, […]

Medical Cannabis in Germany

The legalization of cannabis has been a long-debated topic in Germany and, with the new government, will be implemented in the near future. In 2017, the German Government allowed the use of the active ingredient THC for medical reasons – when prescribed by a doctor – with the cost being reimbursed by the patient’s health […]

Bioenergy from microalgae

The cultivation of energy crops such as corn leads to land competition with food production and to monocultures that are ecologically almost worthless. In the meantime, there are much more environmentally friendly concepts for generating energy from biomass. One solution would be microalgae instead of corn. Microalgae can reach lipid contents of up to 70 […]

Erfahrungen aus 10 Jahren
CAR-T-Zell Therapie

Seit rund 10 Jahren werden Leukämiepatienten als Ultima Ratio mit der CAR-T-Zell-Therapie behandelt. Dazu erhalten die Patienten gentechnologisch veränderte T-Zellen, die mit ihren antigenspezifischen Rezeptoren gezielt die kranken Zellen erkennen und beseitigen. Die Hoffnung bei Einführung der Methodik war, dass die veränderten Zellen Wochen oder sogar einen Monat als Immunpolizei im Blutkreislauf patrouillieren. Heute wissen […]

Gezieltes Drug-Release:
Die Mikroschwimmer sind los

Ein bislang ungelöstes Problem in der Krebstherapie: Wie können die kranken Zellen gezielt bekämpft werden, ohne die guten zu schädigen? Könnte man die Wirkstoffe gezielt am „Tatort“ verabreichen, könnte nicht nur die Dosis reduziert werden, sondern auch der Kollateralschaden verringert werden. Die Idee, dafür Naniten oder Miniroboter zu benutzen, ist nicht neu. Eine finale Lösung […]

Das Rennen um das Metaversum läuft

Das Metaversum – eine Cyberwelt, in der virtuelle und physische Realitäten miteinander verschmelzen – ist „the next big thing“ nach dem mobilen Internet. Es bietet einen deutlich erweiterten Rahmen sowohl für dezentralisierte, kollaborative und interoperable Geschäftsmodelle als auch für Interaktion im Allgemeinen. Das Metaversum eröffnet beispielsweise die Möglichkeit eines immersiveren Lernerlebnisses in Bildung, Militär, Medizin, […]

Robotik in der Bauindustrie

Drohnen und Roboter werden in der Bauindustrie immer mehr zur Realität. Dabei dienen die automatisierten Helfer nicht mehr nur dazu, Gebäude zu vermessen oder Windkraftanlagen und Brücken auf Schäden zu untersuchen, sondern sie werden zunehmend für den konkreten Bau von Gebäuden eingesetzt. In der Bauteilfertigung sind Robotik und maschinelles Arbeiten schon längst Standard. Die einzelnen […]

Grüner Wasserstoff verändert die geopolitische Weltkarte

Energieressourcen waren schon immer von großer weltpolitscher Bedeutung. Das sehen wir gerade jetzt wieder im Ukraine-Konflikt. Durch das Voranschreiten der Energietransformation werden sich in Zukunft die Abhängigkeiten von fossilen Energielieferketten verringern, was die Welt friedlicher machen könnte. Neue Länder mit einem Überfluss an kostengünstigen erneuerbaren Energien wie Chile, Uruguay, Marokko, Südafrika oder Namibia rücken in […]

Ein Festkörperelektrolyt für Batterien aus Gummi?

Ja, Sie lesen richtig! Die richtigen Ideen muss man halt haben. Ein gängiges Problem von Lithium-Batterien sind fehlende Nachhaltigkeit und Sicherheit.Bei mechanischen oder auch thermischen Beschädigungen von Li-Batterien können Elektrolytgase wie z. B. Kohlenmonoxid, Kohlendioxid, Wasserstoff oder auch Methan austreten, ein weiteres Problem ist die gefürchtete Dendritenbildung des Lithiums, die zu einem internen Kurzschluss und […]

„Antibiotikum“ mit humanem Ursprung

Händewaschen mit Seife hilft gegen Keime, indem es die Lipidschicht in den Zellmembranen von Bakterien oder die Schutzhülle von Viren zerstört. Einen ähnlichen Stoff haben US-Forscher nun auch im Menschen entdeckt. Er ist laut eines Artikels im Fachmagazin Science dazu in der Lage, verschiedene Bakterien – darunter Salmonellen und gramnegative Bakterien – abzutöten. Der neu […]

Polymerkleber mal anders!

Ich habe an dieser Stelle schon das ein oder andere Mal über das Thema Klebstoffe geschrieben. Ein sehr interessantes Thema, hier gibt es immer wieder erstaunlich Neues zu berichten. So auch dieses Mal. Ein Klebstoff, der nicht wie üblich durch mechanische Kräfte Materialien verklebt (Adsorption), sondern ein Klebstoff, der sich einfach zwischen eine Kohlenstoff-Wasserstoff Bindung […]

Grüne Inflation?

Nach voraussichtlichen Zahlen von Destatis soll die Inflationsrate für Dezember 2021 bei 5,3 Prozent liegen. Die Verbraucherpreise sind im Jahr 2021 durchschnittlich um 3,1 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr gestiegen, eine höhere Rate gab es zuletzt 1993 mit 4,5 Prozent. Immer mehr Versorger erhöhen ihre Strom- und Gaspreise und ein Wechsel zu einem anderen Anbieter scheint […]

Unsichtbare UVC-Schutzwand gegen Corona-Infektion in Innenräumen

Bisherige Maßnahmen zum Schutz vor Corona in Innenräumen erstrecken sich meist nur auf Maske tragen, Lüften sowie zeitliche und personelle Beschränkungen auf das Minimum. Da uns Corona allerdings länger begleiten wird als ursprünglich gedacht, ist ein zusätzlicher Katalog an Maßnahmen sinnvoll. Hier kommen Luftreiniger und UVC-Schutzwände ins Spiel. Ein Forschungsteam des Tropeninstituts am LMU Klinikum […]


The heart of the chemical park goes electric

Steam cracker – the heart of every chemical park. Steam cracking is a petrochemical process in which long-chain hydrocarbons such as naphtha are converted into short-chain hydrocarbons by thermal cracking in the presence of steam. Numerous value chains start in the steam crackers. The products obtained, such as olefins, methane and pyrolysis gasoline, are used […]

Gruenes Ammoniak

“Green” ammonia for the energy transition – “Power to Ammonia“

SVP has recently been dealing a lot with the topic of hydrogen. If you look at the development of the listed companies like ITM, Ceres, Plug Power and Nel, there is a bubble bursting on the stock market, like the 3D companies did back then. The hydrogen sector is nowhere near mainstream, a lot of it is hyped but will probably catch on and become mainstream in the future. In the meantime, SVP is looking around for possible alternatives and has found one in ammonia.

Green methanol as the energy source of the future

In the production of green methanol, renewable energies are used to electrolytically generate hydrogen from water, which in turn is converted into methanol using CO2. The carbon for synthesizing the methanol is not supplied by fossil fuels, as in previous production, but by CO2 extracted from concentrated industrial flue gases. The fuel obtained can thus be used in a climate-neutral manner.

Climate-positive gin developed from peas

The Arbikie distillery spent five years developing Nàdar Gin with the help of Abertay University and the James Hutton Institute in Scotland. The fresh and fruity gin is made from peas and flavored with lemongrass and citrus leaves, among other things.

Thermal utilization of subway waste heat

Do you travel on the subway from time to time? Then you have probably been confronted with warm, stuffy air on the platforms and in the corridors. In the tunnels where subway trains run, there are constant temperature changes. A lot of heat is generated, especially during acceleration and braking phases. This is normally conducted outside via ventilation ducts and dissipates unused.

Volkswagen is building its digital production platform

Following its cooperation with Microsoft on the automotive cloud, the Volkswagen Group has now announced its collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to jointly build the "Volkswagen Industrial Cloud". With the VW Industrial Cloud, all 122 factories will be networked and the data of all machines, plants and systems will be merged. The process is expected to take five years. However, the IT landscape at the production level is still quite different in some parts of the plants.

Seamless Mobility

Passengers and travelers increasingly expect a carefree travel experience with any origin and destination (Seamless Mobility as a Service) and with a single booking and billing for all means of transport used. One smartphone app for everything is the solution. "Jelbi" is the name of a new platform under whose umbrella as many mobility services as possible in Berlin are to be digitally linked and offered together in future.

Business and market intelligence tools under scrutiny – Part 1

In order to generate decision-relevant knowledge from Big Data, AI-supported tools are increasingly used nowadays. These business intelligence tools, which can analyze and graphically prepare cloud-based business data in real time, are often also offered as software-as-a-service (SaaS) models and are intended to help make well-founded decisions for a company from the insights derived from them.

Digital medizin

Personalized medicine vs. stratified medicine

The proclaimed goal of personalized medicine is to provide each patient with a therapy tailored to his or her needs and with the most suitable drugs. In fact, it is not – at least not yet – about the characteristics of a distinctive individual, but rather about the classification of a patient into a subpopulation with a certain subtype of the respective disease, which is distinguished from other subtypes by specific characteristics, "biomarkers". This process of stratification or grouping is called stratification.

Nearly 30 start-up databases and directories worldwide

SVP has done extensive research on the start-up scene and the possibilities to discover new and existing start-ups worldwide. Nearly 30 startup databases and directories worldwide were identified that allow researching startups and new technologies. Majority of the database providers are located in the US.